Monday, February 06, 2006


I once managed to grasp the rules of cricket. I understand soccer, rugby union and most of baseball.

So, could anybody points me to a good Football for dummy resource? I so don' get it it makes my teeth hurt.


Zanni said...

I'm in your camp. ANY other sport is fine. And what is worse, I don't even like to watch the commercials.

Le Plume said...

at least I understand most of the commercials. Or I think I do.

Christen said...

It's no use. The game is stupid. I've watched about 20 superbowls and lots of games leading up to those and even for the most seasoned viewer, there are times when one says "what? was that legal?" "can you really do that?" Although, if you really do want to learn, there is a book, Football for Dummies by Howie Long and John Czarnecki that you could buy for something around 13 Euros...

Le Plume said...

A guy tried to explain it to me once. Well, to say the truth, I think he was actually showing his jock credentials to the girl sitting next to me - not an easy feat when you're teaching litterature at NYU.

He must be a good teacher, because I thought I had got it. That impression was dispelled the next time I saw a game on TV, though.